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编辑:系统管理员 发表时间:2012-12-10   浏览次数:

欧盟信息通讯技术硕士双学位项目(EIT ICT Labs Master School)报名已开始,具体信息可以详见网址:www.masterschool.eitictlabs.eu,报名截止2013年1月15日,2013年秋季学期开学。

EIT ICT Labs Master School is a new generation of international master programs offered by 19 European top universities whereof the Pierre and Marie Curie University.

The EIT ICT Labs Master School offers a two year program in ICT Innovation. Students choose two universities in two different European countries to build a curriculum of their choice based on their skills and interests. At the end of their two year master, students are delivered a double degree, which combines technical competences with a set of skills in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Pierre and Marie Curie University offers one of the seven Technical Majors in Internet, Technology and Architecture. Successful candidates will spend their first year at UPMC and the second year in a partner university (KTH, TU Berlin or Trento) depending on the specialty they choose.

UPMC would be delighted to host Tongji students of academic excellence for this unique program.

The application deadline for admission in autumn 2013 is on January 15th 2013.

Scholarship possibilities are offered to Non-European Applicants.

For more information pls contact directly with



Chargée de projets internationaux

Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Direction des Relations Internationales

Tour Zamansky-16e étage- bureau 1612

4 Place Jussieu

75252 Paris Cedex 05

Tel: +33 1 44 27 22 30

Fax: +33 1 44 27 74 84

Email: hanna.hertwig@upmc.fr
